Child Safety - Ready to Check the Mailbox?
Does your child enjoy running to get the mail and distribute them to everyone? Of course, every child loves to give out the mail.
Your child is safe going to the mailbox right? After all, the mailbox is just outside the house. This assumption, however, is not safe for your kids. Most parents are aware of the jeopardy of their children in every place from school to playgrounds, but walking out to the mailbox can be a place most parents never consider.
As always, there are dangers your child is exposed to when they are near the road. Kids must be protected when they are around the house as much as when they are anywhere else, but the simple act of getting the mail can turn into a dangerous moment.
Here are a few ways you can protect your child from the mailbox menace:
Running to The Mailbox
Kids tend to be excited much about everything - no matter how small. They are always running to their destination. Checking the mail is a good way to teach responsibility and attention to detail, so it is a positive step to let kids check the mail for you. The faster your child runs towards the mailbox, the more chance he may trip and fall right into the road. From skinned knees to oncoming traffic, it is important to avoid rushing to the mailbox. To avoid this traumatic experience, warn your kids about running to the mailbox and even be clear about the consequences. This way you can save everyone a terrible episode.
Standing On the Wrong Side Of The Box
Most mailboxes require you to step into the road to retrieve the mail. This is a large problem for parents and oncoming drives. Small bodies can be easily hidden by the mailbox and shaft. A Return-to-Center mailbox system allows children to rotate the mailbox to where they are safely standing in the yard without ever entering the street. Let’s face it – a child appearing in the road is a nightmare moment for both parents and drivers. Being able to check the mail from the security off their own keeps everyone happier.
Other Measures Taken to Keep Kids Safe
Training kids to be aware of their surrounding will go a long way in their protection. Although parents often train children to be aware outside of their yard and of oncoming traffic, giving guidance about the harm of stepping into the street to retrieve the mail can make all the difference. Once they are savvy, kids can mind their step and avoid tripping, falling, or standing in the street.
The Tattle-Tail Game
Make mailbox safety a game that children both learn from and are entertained by playing. When kids can easily look out the window to see that the mail has been delivered, they are excited by the delivery. The Tattle-Tail Mailbox flag is like a game of hide-n-seek with the mail carrier. The first one to spot the mail delivery gets to go get the mail…and gives mom some quiet time while the kids wait by the door.
It is fascinating how something as simple as the mailbox can be exciting to kids. It is, therefore, important not to take a slightest chance when it comes to the protection of kids. Kids are active and often run around without taking any precautions. It is, therefore, important for parents and caregivers to give them a better instruction, because as they say, the devil is in the detail.